Verification and Analysis for Safety and Security of Applications in Life

Start of the project


We are thrilled to announce the official launch of the VASSAL project (Verification and Analysis for Safety and Security of Applications in Life).

This ambitious project brings together a consortium of Brno University of Technology, a leading Czech R&I institution in the related fields of automated analysis, verification, synthesis, testing, and formal methods, two of its European counterparts, namely Technical University of Vienna and the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, and as associated partners, PennState University and the Czech R&D branch of the company Honeywell.

VASSAL project focuses on leveraging the scientific excellence and innovation capacity of the consortium in the field of software engineering to support safety and security of digitised economies and societies. The key objective is to bring together expertise of the consortium in specific domains to enhance and create a new knowledge for robust and resilient SW engineering through scientific strategy combining model-based design, formal methods and economics for source-codes and systems.